5 5 5 A MILLION TIMES 5!!!
5 5 5 A MILLION TIMES 5!!!
this gets an 11 out of ten it short sweet to the point its perfectly done the child like scrawling style of the pictures and speech helps to show the innocence of the man, and the transition to the end was amazing.
the meaning was perfectly conveyed, that of a disturbed man, who simply couldnt comprehend wat one does when in love.
as piecesof8 said, many narrow minded people will rag on you, but dont let that disuad you from your work. this was the tied for #1 on my list here at newgrounds. funny, the other was a christmas flash too
sheer awsomness i cnat look away, its jsut that cool
You are a nice bull!! :D
loved it loved it loved it u gonna finish/continue your comic any time soon? eddegg in a bra does not agree with me
There very well may be new comic-type stuff coming in the new year!
you just got rockman rolled!!!
this was great. it was one of the best stop motions ive seen, due to its originality and style. An incredible concept, and i love the mini boss as a hand stabbing him. The oreo was a good touch as well. great job, keep it up
good song tho.....no matter how gross the subject matter
but either way, that makes me never want to shit or fuck again, for fear of it being a wound, or my shit going into a mouth
good idea. i never let anything or anyone go in or out of me.
Joined on 9/19/07